Our club is able to support up to two candidates for Rotary’s Youth leadership Award (RYLA), to take part in a one week training course in North Wales in July. Open to 18 – 28 year olds, this is an amazing opportunity to develop leadership and teamworking skills and to build confidence. Candidates need to be physically able, to complete many of the activities, but otherwise come from a wide range of abilities and professions. The success of the course depends on there being a good mix of people from different ages, backgrounds and experience. All participants are identified by their sponsoring clubs as having leadership and development potential. There are normally 25 – 35 people on the course each year.
When does this happen?
Saturday 20th July to Saturday 27th July 2024.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost to participants. All costs are covered by the sponsoring Rotary club (approximately £850). All equipment and specialist clothing is provided.
What activities are there?
There are some classroom discussions, but then much of the week is spent outside. Activities may include sailing, abseiling, orienteering and gorge-walking.
How do I apply?
Please download the information sheet and application form from this page. Then email the completed application and a one page cv to karen.eveleigh@yahoo.com before the deadline of 5pm on Tuesday 28th May. Interviews will be held with members of our Rotary club in the week commencing 3rd June. Further information can be found on the Rotary District RYLA webpages.
What other commitments are there?
There will probably be a briefing session in advance of the week. This may be online. All participants are expected to visit their sponsoring club after the week away to talk about the course. Participants are also encouraged to engage with their sponsor club before and after the course, maybe helping out with events.