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Club Membership

Curious about Rotary? It’s a question we often hear, and given our global presence, there are myriad ways to answer. Here’s our take:

Being part of Rotary is not just membership; it’s a journey of enjoyment. We curate activities that serve as a delightful escape from busy lives, fostering connections and friendships with like-minded individuals who share our values. At the core of it all, we believe in giving back. If lending a hand brings you joy, joining Rotary opens doors to meaningful opportunities.

Are you new to the area? Rotary offers a unique gateway to explore the community and revel in good company.

If you’re keen to dive deeper, reach out to us. Let’s start a conversation. Consider attending a couple of meetings, introducing yourself, and sharing your aspirations. We’ll provide all the informal details about who we are and what we do. Let Rotary be more than an organisation; let it be your community.