Hello and welcome to our website, which I hope you find interesting and informative about what The Rotary Club of Faringdon and District does to provide service to those less fortunate than ourselves both within our community and beyond, as well as providing aid in the event of major disasters,
I joined Rotary back in 2000, having just moved to a new area and was drawn to Rotary as an avenue to “give something back” as well as meeting new friends and simply getting involved in my new local community – It worked not once but for a second time when I moved again in 2004 and became a member of The Faringdon club and continue to be part of a vibrant fun loving Rural Club.
This year I have the honour of being our Club President and I invite anyone of any age, who is looking for fun, in a fulfilling friendly club to get in touch, and come and see what being a Rotarian is all about.
Clive Clark
President 2021/2022
Rotary Club Faringdon and District