We had a lovely evening at the Barrington Arms in Shrivenham on Thursday 28th July. It was our first social event of the Rotary year, and it was fantastic to see so many friends of Rotary join us. Organised by Gordon and Bjorn, it was also an opportunity for them to launch our community appeal for Rotary support for Ukraine refugees. The club has already supported the International Rotary Fellowship of Healthcare Professionals and Shelterbox, both of which are supporting Ukrainians in and around Ukraine. The club has also provided educational grants to Ukrainian refugees staying in and around Faringdon and Shrivenham and plans to continue this support.
Many of those present are also working to support Ukraine so it was a great time for sharing ideas, developing new networks and discussing how we can increase our impact and reach. And of course there were lots of other fun conversations – dog walking, grandchildren, holidays, our pizzas at last weekend’s Truck Festival and our August Buscot Run.
Thanks to the Barrington Arms, Gordon and Bjorn and to everyone there for a lovely summer’s evening.