Home for the Rescue of the Afflicted Children (HORAC), Nepal
There are around 30 children in the home which relies on international volunteers and donations to survive. Our Rotary club has been supporting the home for many years however the Pandemic has triggered a funding crisis.
Donations have decreased by 60% and local support has reduced as many Nepalis have lost their jobs and struggle to take care of their own families. HORAC is appealing for help to fill the funding shortfalls for rent, food, medical supplies and education. Normally, rent is £600/month; the monthly food bill is around £1000; education costs for all the younger children are about £10,000 per year.
HORAC Emergency Fund. In response to this emergency Faringdon Rotary Club is setting up an Emergency Fund for HORAC, which will be managed by our International Project Group (IPG). We are now inviting Rotarians, Friends of Rotary, Friends of HORAC and Nepal to help the Children in their hour of need. Any donation, however modest, will be appreciated, and will contribute to changing the lives of these young people.
If you would like to support HORAC, you can do so by sending your donation direct to
The Rotary Club of Faringdon and District Trust Fund:
Sort 20-90–91 Account 80768812 Reference: HORAC
Please make cheques payable to The Rotary Club of Faringdon & District and write “HORAC Fund” on the back. To help boost the fund, our Rotary Club can claim Gift Aid on your donation. Please complete the ON-LINE GIFT AID DECLARATION
Contacts for more information:
Rotarian Bjorn Watson, Chair International Project Group, Faringdon Rotary Club
T: 01793 782748 M: 07973 373522 E: bjornwatson@btinternet.com
Rotarian Gordon Hughes, Nepal Link Rotarian, Faringdon Rotary Club.
T: 01793 782521 M: 07787 821218 E: gordon.yewtree@gmail.com