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Rotary Club Faringdon and District supports housing project near Kathmandu

In 2012, a team from the Rotary Club of Faringdon and District played a crucial role in a transformative housing project aimed at extending a village east of  Kathmandu. As part of the Nepal Big Build organised by the charity Habitat for Humanity, the  Rotarians built from scratch one of 40 houses using mud bricks and a mixture of mud and cow dung for plaster.  This transformed the lives of forty destitute families in the foot hills of the Himalayas.

This ambitious project was not just about constructing buildings; it was  about building a community. The Rotary Club of Faringdon and District,  known for its dedication to humanitarian efforts, provided both financial support and hands-on assistance. Several members of the club made multiple visits to the site, actively participating in the  construction process alongside local workers and other volunteers.

The project site, located in a rural area east of Kathmandu, was carefully chosen to maximize the impact of the new housing. By providing safe and stable homes, the initiative aimed to improve the quality of life for many families, offering them a sense of security and a  foundation for a better future.

Three years later in 2015 a devastating earthquake struck the area and  destroyed a number of the houses and Faringdon Rotary was able to advise Habitat International on the reconstruction to withstand future earthquakes.  

Rotarians from Faringdon brought not only their enthusiasm and work  ethic but also a spirit of international camaraderie. Their involvement  went beyond mere construction; they built relationships and shared  knowledge, fostering a sense of global solidarity. This hands-on approach underscored the Rotary’s commitment to service above self,  reflecting their core values in tangible actions.

If you would like to help project like this please contact us, from a donation to becoming a full member, you are very welcome at RCFD.